Is it too hard to start a startup?

Starting a business is easy. And so is loosing money.

The basic core of a business is to sell your product or services to someone. Not only making the right product/service will do, but the correct marketing is also necessary.

Lets take an example.
We come across so many ads in the internet, on hoardings, on tv and other places. But how many of them actually get our attention and get our money?
This is the real scenario.
Convincing people to buy your product/service is the main challenge.

Psychologically, it is very much hard to come out of a stable, good paying office job and step into this pool of STARTUP. But sometimes it is necessary to do so.

No books or seminars can help you for taking this step until and unless you are brave enough and can convince yourself for doing this. But those can certainly motivate you.

There are a lot of myths regarding startups that, you will be facing the most traumatic experience of your life. However, this is not true. Don't let these fool you and control your mind. There is always a clear and focussed mindset behind every successful startup.

The mechanism of starting a business is not that much hard. The main ingredients to think about are products/services, target customers, investment plan and time frame.

The most exciting part is at the start.
Here you come across various surprises, new experiences, new lifestyle and various other things.
If you need funding, then you have to approach investors. And trust me, getting your startup funded is a hell lot difficult thing than anything else.

The real struggle starts after some period.
Finding clients, hiring the right candidate for the job, managing the business. You can even face a month or two of no business. That's where you have to learn patience.
Keep yourself motivated all the time and always think about the successful ones. If they can succeed, they why can't you.

So, it can be said that starting a startup is hard, but not impossible.
It's the courage, the urge to explore and patience that matters.

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