Why are there so many programming languages?

To give the answer we first need to know what is programming language? Just like language has been our primary means of communication and interaction for thousands of years programming languages helps us to communicate with our computers,it helps us to write a set of instruction to tell the computer what to do.

Now coming to the question -
"Why are there so many programming languages?"

>> The answer is to serve different needs we have different programming languages.

The very first programming languages are FORTAN and lisp.However they were complicated to use.
Gradually as time passed people came up with C . C is an assembly language and quite close to the system. It is mainly used to write the operating system programs.

Men did not stop here.They wanted to make a programming language which would be user friendly.Hence they came up with more powerful language like C++ and Java. These languages are high level languages and thus more user-friendly. Java is currently the best choice of the developer. It is used for creating different application for computer as well as mobile.

Microsoft created a platform called .Net and merged it with Java and C++ into C#. C# is used to create website,web application and web services.

Coming to the most popular and most  people's favourite language, Python. It is quite simple to use and provides a wide range of application. It can be used in Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence and many other places.

Thus, we have different  programming languages to cater our different needs. It is not justified to compare different languages as which one is better because each of them have been made for different purposes and they are doing good in their respective fields for which they have been made.

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