Top 5 programming languages you must know to get a job in 2020

Author - Chayanika Ghosh

If you are planning a career in computer science or information  technology then there are wide range of  concepts , programming languages and technologies that you must  know to get a job.

There is not one answer on what programming language to learn to work in the industry.Different technology use different programming languages.

We have listed here five programming language that most recruiters prefer-
  1. Python
  2. JavaScript
  3. Java
  4. C++
  5. C
  • Python - Python is probably the most important to learn because of its rich ecosystem.Python is object oriented and also supports functional activity.It has rich sets of packages and modules to work easily.Python is broadly used in the field of data science.It is used for implementing machine learning algorithms perfectly. the three most important python libraries for data science are NumPy , Pandas and Matplotlib.
  • JavaScript - JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS,is a light-weight,interpreted high level programming language.It is widely used to design interactive frontend application.JavaScript is a client scripting language which is used for creating web pages.It runs immediately within the web browser as there is no compilation requirement.It gives a richer interface to a website.Nowadays many organizations, particularly startups are using Node.js which a java Script based runtime environment.
  • Java - Java is a popular programming language created in 1995.It is owned by Oracle and more than 3 billion devices run Java. Java is a Object Oriented Programming language.Java produces software for multiple platforms.It provides high degree of platform independence due to JVM.When a programmer writes a java code,the code is then compiled into a byte code known as ".class" file which can run on most OS,including Windows,Linux and Mac OS.
  • C++ - C++ is a general purpose programming language and widely used for competitive programming nowadays.It was built as an extension of C language or "C with Classes".It supports Object Oriented,procedural and generic programming.C++ is rich in libraries.It uses only compiler for code execution.By the help of C++,we can develop different types of secured and robust applications like Window application,Client-Server application,Device drivers etc.
  • C - C is like the bread and butter of programming.It is a Procedure Oriented programming language.It was mainly developed as a system programming language to write an operating system.C is highly portable and efficiently work on enterprise applications,games,graphics and applications requiring calculations.C is a very vast language but it does not support the concept of OOPs and lacks Exception handling.However it is incapable of solving modern,real-world programming challenges.

India do have a large number of developers and companies preferring the above mentioned languages which can help you get a job.But that doesn't mean you should only know these languages instead you should master these languages to survive in the IT field.

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